It's been a good long while since I posted a Plinky answer, but I thought maybe it was time to do so again. After all, not only am I kind of bored this morning, but I've also been suffering from blogger's block and that's what Plinky is supposed to help.
It's not so much that I don't have anything to say, I just can't seem to get my thoughts to gel. After all, it's a new year. It's a new decade (in the culturally accepted way, not mathematically, but whatever). There's all sorts of stuff going through my head about all the shit that's gone on in the past ten years both globally and personally and all the things I anticipate, hope, fear, etc for the next ten years. But for some reason I just can't get it to come out in any coherent form.
So instead of talking about change and self-reflection and such, I'll just follow Plinky's lead and talk about the components of my ideal breakfast:
I've been doing this whole healthier eating thing since mid-May, and the one thing I learned early on about my "natural" eating habits is that I don't tend to eat enough protein. It's not really because I don't like protein -- I'm a committed omnivore who prefers her steaks bleeding, her peanuts spicy, and most of her meals to be accompanied by a big glass of milk -- but just because I tend to eat on the run and it's much easier to find quick food heavy in carbs and fat. Given the time to sit down for a real breakfast, though, I'd probably have eggs every day. And no, that's not bad for my diet.
Oatmeal with honeyActually, I like grits with butter even better than oatmeal with honey, but the oatmeal is lower in fat and higher in fiber, and honey is like a miracle food. Plus, oatmeal comes in those handy instant packets, and you have to measure out grits to cook them. I'm all about easy.
CoffeeEvery meal has to include coffee. Period.
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